Wednesday, August 01, 2007

1 month from today!

Are you ready for some football? Yep folks it is that time again. 1 month from today starts the Foot ball season, College Football to be exact. First game is on September 1st at 2:30 pm against Washington State University.

Just thought I would let y’all know so you can get ready.

Oh yea my kiddo is due around then as well. That’s big news as well, right? Well at least my wife will not complain that I am watching too much football if I have the little guy decked out in his Badger stuff watching the games with me. Then Pro Football begins a week later on September 9th against the Eagles.

Caden my son, welcome to the world…

Oh yea, hopefully the Brewers will be in the Playoffs about that time as well.

SWEET! Can you feel it?


Anonymous said...

My dear, I hope you don't expect to watch much football while we are in the delivery room...the one doing the work gets to choose the channel!!!

Toebee's Fumes said...

If you start labor on Saturday and it is game day you and the kiddo will have to wait until the games are over. That is all I have to say to that.

If it cannot wait the game will be on in the delivery room. Especially since all you will be doing is screamin, pushing and squeezing my hand. You will be too busy to watch what you want.

Relax people, I am just kidding. I cannot wait for the kiddo to be born. He is our top priority when he decides to come join the world.

I can always record it!

Mercy's Maid said...

I've already started praying for little Caden to be a Razorback fan. Wooooooooo Pig Sooie!