Friday, November 16, 2007

Am I?

Have ya ever had a song lyric hit ya well after ya started listening to it. Well today a song came across that I have heard many times. It was "Circles" by Switchfoot off the Oh! Gravity album.
One line hit me and struck me.
I will not expand on them due to the strength of the line.
"Am I alive in my purpose?"

Wednesday, November 07, 2007


This afternoon my wife and kiddo came and took me to lunch. They decided to take me to a Chinese Buffet, the only way to go for Chinese food in my book.

Well we ate and our waitress brought us our bill with three fortune cookies, one for the kiddo and one for each of us.

I opened it up and do not understand. I will list both sides for you since one side has the saying and the opposite side has your “lucky” numbers in case you are a betting person.

Fortune: “Your lucky number for the week is seven.”
Lucky Numbers on opposite side: 11 13 21 32 40 46

Do you see what I see? Help me to understand this, please.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

In town

I know yesterday was Halloween and I did my best to dress up for the day. My costume consisted of wearing shorts, a shirt and my walking shoes. The reason for the shorts in my costume is that it is the one day all year that I could wear shorts to work, so I did. The "costume" was a year in the making since last year I thought about it but did not do it and I remembered it to wear the shorts this year.

Well last night we went tricker treating at the Dallas/ Fort Worth Airport and came away with a pair of grandparents for our boy. OK not exactly the trick or treating that most people are accustomed too. It was actually to pick up my parents since they arrived from Orlando last night to meet my little boy Caden for the first time. This week has been a great week for the little guy since he had some arm time with both sets of grandparents and has four more days with my parents. Pretty cool.

Grandma at one point took the boy over to the flight attendants and stated joyfully “This is why we came to Dallas”.

Here are two picks of them for ya,

This is their first arm full of Caden, we know there will be many more of those arms fulls for the grandparents to come.

Grandma holding onto the sweet little boy.