Thursday, January 31, 2008

What ya selling me?

I started a new job last week in the ISS (In School Suspension) department of a local School district. This means I am taking a new road to get to work. If you know me I am and have always been a curious guy. So as I drive I tend to keep my eyes moving around reading everything that I pass. This new trip to work is no different for me.

I found a biz that caught my eye and my funny bone.

This first pic is of their sign on the front of the building. What do they sell?
OK if you are still wondering what they might be selling please check out the bottom right corner of the picture. A red neon sign states "BOXES". How did I not get that from the name of the biz? Thanks to the neon sign for clearing up my confusion.

Answer to my last post!
Destiny, Porsche and Cocoa are the Customer Service department at my local Verizon store. I had an issue with my phone and had Porsche as the person I dealt with. As I was there waiting I looked over at the lady next to her and noticed that her name was Destiny. I looked to my right and noticed the third ladies biz card and read Cocoa. I just had to laugh at that, funny eh?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

COULD be moving stuff?
now just what else did they "sell" at verizon Toby?