Thursday, February 07, 2008


OK I know we have all been there where we say we have to make friends with someone cuz they own a boat, or a cabin on a lake, season tickets to the Packers or something along those lines. I have that "thing" I want that guy to have for me to inspire me to get to know him.


Where was this thing when there was this little thing when I was growing up called the "Cold War".

If ya have one GET A LIFE and live a little bit. We are going to die someday whether or not it is from a "nuk". RE-diculus I tell ya.

OK b4 the "NUK" hits let us get something right first, below you will find what I am talking about.

Huh, I was just tooling around online ad found an article that is, well, late, to say the least. We have already started this madness called ethonal and it will be hard to back away from. There are already too many millions of dollars then wasted if they dispose of this little pet project that they have going. Taking Corn and turning it into fuel is not a smart thing. We are taking food off our tables due to the high prices due to the madness.

How much is Milk? Does it still do the body good if farmers do not use corn to feed the cattle?

Well I have found someone actually doing a study that makes sense in it's outcome. It is long but do take time to read ya might learn something new. Well not everyone will learn but it is worth the read.

click for article Ethanol adds to Glodal warming? Click for article
say it ain't so Charlie!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those have uses for which you have not yet considered.