Thursday, July 27, 2006

Legitimate TRUTH 2

On a previous post I had two articles that I found to be interesting and I have found more. I have only included 1 in this post while filling you in why I find the previous articles interesting.

Yet again there are more examples of Truth that people tend to put much belief in. Here is another from USA Today online (7.24.06) about a Dixie Chicks Concert. Can you catch the TRUTH this young lady has missed?

The crowd: In the past, the Chicks would have easily sold out Joe Louis Arena, but this time the hockey venue was about 80% full with a mix of standard-issue country fans, Chicks supporters wearing souvenir garments from the Fly and Top of the World tours, and a visible minority who viewed the event as a combination concert and political statement. Sarah O'Brien, 21, wore a "Not My President" shirt adorned with Bush's face and "idiot" stamped across his forehead. The crowd was notable for its range of ages — from elementary kids to grandparents.

This young women has a shirt that states "Not My President" shirt. A few things have to be in place for this to be true for her. 1.She is a citizen of another country 2. She has given up her citizenship to the US and has moved to France. Other than that Bush is her President whether or not she likes it. Just cuz we did not vote for him (if she even voted) he is her President. Silly girl! Mrs . Bill (oops Mr. Bill) was my President even though I did not agree with 95% of his doings as President.

Story #1 from past Blog:
Editor Todd says she has no problem believing McGowan's claim that she descends from a marriage between Jesus and Mary Magdalene. "Yes, I believe her. Her passion and her mission are so strong, how can she not be?"

What? Just because someone has passion and a mission does that make it right? Ugh!! People have believed that the Gate to Heaven was behind a meteor. Their passion and mission were so strong they killed themselve, are they right just because of their p&m?

Story #2
Those rumors are true, according to Surviving James Dean, a new memoir by Bill Bast, 75, the actor’s former roommate. “I helped Jimmy compose a letter that declared he was a ‘practicing homosexual’ and that won him a draft exemption in 1952,”

My Wife ALycia is right, he would have said anything to get out of the Draft. Being gay was a convenient way for him to get out possibly. His justification of him being gay is just ridiculus. If James Dean was gay then he is the only one to know but to use this example as truth is just crazy. Maybe there is more truth to it but the story only listed this on example.

What and why people believe things in this world are getting crazier. It scares me that Truth is being left behind for feelings and crazy reasons. Where is the world headed?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You admitted that I am right about something? Now I have it in print!