Saturday, December 08, 2007

"The View" from here, CRAZY!

This morning as I was at the gym I noticed on one of the TVs, that they have for our viewing pleasure, as I strain to move my body working out is some text from this dear old book that I know. The Bible.

So I flipped over to the show and to my surprise it was "The View". You know the view from the left! It was actual text from President Bush's Christmas Card that he has sent out for this year that Babra Waawaa (Barbara Walters) received. One of the ladies started to criticise the card and asked if it is being sent to Muslims, Atheist's and the sort. She went on to say how "un PC it is" for the President to share this view with the general public.

Well then later on they went over cards that some of them sent out and on one of the ladies cards she had a photo of herself hugging a monkey. The reading underneath stated something like, have a wonderful holiday season as your ancestors have in years past.

So how is it PC for one to share her thoughts and beliefs of evalution on her card but not one to share his beliefs in Christ? Yes it is the President of the free world but he is still a person with beliefs that he would like to share.

It just seems to me to be two sides and one side seems to be right and the otherside, the Christian side, wrong in some peoples eyes.

On a relative story I have noticed a couple of things on the back of peoples cars this "Holiday Saeson" that state "Keep Christ in Christmas". Yes Christ is no longer in Christmas but as I see it today that Christmas as a whole is slowly disappearing in todays society as well. It is now just a plain ol' Holiday! If the trend continues this way it will be interesting yet very scary to see what Christmas in 20 years will look like. Will it just be another day off of work? An opportunity to get your drink on? Or will Christmas return?


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