Monday, August 07, 2006

Craziness I tell ya!

Which story do you find hardest to believe?

First! Me taking a class and then a possible series of Classes? The class being Intro to Theology at a local Church here in the N. Dallas area. Me? What? Crazy? Yeppers that is what it sure sounds like to me. I have given up on School way back when I dropped out of Art School. Yes I am not a beauty school dropout but I am an Art School dropout. If it was not for the cost of school doubling after my first year I would have stayed in cuz it was Art and not Theology where I have to actually listen and learn.

I am actually excited about it all, at least I think that I am excited about it all. I am taking it for Credit I think. There are 6 classes in the series and I do want to get thru them all since of our Desire to reach the mission field within the next few years. These classes will hopefully give me the smarts while out in the field so please pray for me.

Second! HAMILTON, Bermuda (AP) -- A fisherman was recovering from surgery after he was speared in the chest and knocked into the Atlantic Ocean by a blue marlin during a fishing competition off Bermuda's coast.

Ian Card, 32, was in stable condition at King Edward VII Hospital in the British Island territory from a wound that his doctor said could have been fatal.

"He was very lucky," said Dr. Christian Wilmsmeier. "It was a very serious injury."
Card and his father, Alan, both operators of a charter fishing boat and experienced marlin fishermen, had just hooked the fish Saturday when it suddenly leapt out of the water, impaled Ian Card just below his collar bone and knocked him into the ocean.

"The fish all of a sudden changed direction and jumped. The fish made a leap and Ian just happened to be in the way," Alan Card said.

The younger fisherman managed to struggle free while his father cut the line and helped his son get back into their boat, the Challenger.

They managed to make it back to shore in about 40 minutes for emergency medical treatment.
The fishermen estimated the marlin at about 800 pounds (363 kilograms) and about 14 feet (4.3 meters) in length.

Which is hardest to believe? For most of you that know me the first one I think would be hardest to believe than a feller being speared by a Marlin. Yikes!


Anonymous said...

Of course you'll take it for can do it and you will enjoy the class!!!

Anonymous said...

R u being forceful on the "you will enjoy the class"?

Anonymous said...

Forceful, me? Nah...I just think since you enjoy learning about worldviews and such that you will enjoy theology...I really enjoyed the class when I took it.

Anonymous said...

Forceful, me? Nah...I just think since you enjoy learning about worldviews and such that you will enjoy theology...I really enjoyed the class when I took it.

Anonymous said...

oops..I accidentally published it twice