Monday, July 23, 2007

Soon to be worn out by the little guy

I know on one of my last posts I made a comment on some of the clothes that we have received from friends and family. Ok we have bought a few of the items as well. I have taken a picture of some of those outfits and when you take a look over the pix you will see why I like the outfits.

A few bibs that we have received one that reads "daddy's allstar" and "I love my Daddy" along with a couple that signify daddy's fav teams. The only one we bought is the Badger Fan one.
Can you read these? If not let me share with you what they say. hehehe
My Daddy is a... Super Hero, Daddy's Team and If you think I'm handsome you should see my daddy.
Each of these were given to us as gifts. Really they were.

Just some new Wisconsin Gear for the kiddo, each of these we did purchase while in Mad Town! In the middle there is a Milwaukee Brewers bottle for him as well my wife found here in Dallas! The same Wisconsin gear that is pictured above with a New Milwaukee Brewers outfit thanks.

How could you not buy a pair of overalls for a little boy, Oshkosh B'Gosh overalls from Oshkosh, Wisconsin for goodness sakes.

Mommy was feeling a little jealous of all of the daddy stuff she had to go out and purchase something that mentioned mommy!!

Dear, whether or not he has a little outfit that says i heart mommy he will love you greatly.

Can you understand why I would get giddy over the gifts that were given for our little guy?


Anonymous said...

AAHHHH...I am so pleased that you are SO EXCITED about becoming a daddy! I can't wait to see you with our son!!!!! I love you.

Toebee's Fumes said...

I can't wait to see me with our son either.

Mercy's Maid said...

I love little kids in overalls. It just doesn't get any cuter!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE THOSE BIBS/CLOTHES!! sooooo cuuuuuuute. you better bring that baby here once he gets here so i can squeeze his little face!