Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Comic, I am not!

Here is a pretty funny chat I had yesterday with a potential client I have been dealing with. It just goes to show that you have to know your audience before you try the humor or at least think a bit quicker on your feet than I did.

I had been talking with said PPC (this stands for possible potential client for now) for a few minutes about how we can best serve them and their needs.

PPC: With the take over of (place name of company that they just took over here) I have been way to busy to think or do anything else but all that.

Me: So you are all running around like chickens with your heads cut off.

PPC: If that was the case they would have packaged me and thrown me onto one of the trucks by now.

Me: (after I realized what I just said and to whom I just said it too) So how original was that?

PPC: not so very (as he laughed with me about how stupid I was)

What does PPC really stand for? Actually it stands for Pilgrims Pride Chicken. The other Chicken people not named Tyson.

Yea, like he has never heard that one before.

How pathetic am I that the only "witty" thing that I could say was about chickens with their heads chopped off. It would have actually been pretty good if I actually used it intentionally to be funny.

OH well, maybe as you read this it was not all that funny either but you do have to admit that the story line is funny even if the delivery is off a bit. My comedical stylings are off a bit this week I guess.

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