Friday, January 26, 2007


Well most of you who either stumble on this or possibly regulars may not want to hear a little frustration in my blog. But this has been a very very tough week for me here at work. Outside of work life is good but of course not perfect since no life ever will be.

Well this week I started the week down $250 from last week when one of my clients put a hold on his order for three weeks. Well that was not a huge blow to me and my psychy, that came on Wednesday when one of my clients, an Advertising Agency who never do any wrong, decides to cancel a $686 order. That is $936 worth of income that is now out of my pocket and makes my sales numbers look horrible. That means I have to find business to fill the negative numbers that I put up on the board.

OK I work for a weekly publication as an Advertising Consultant. So I have this thing called rollover that is money on the board already each week when I walk in on Monday for work. Which is nice. I hope that helps to show that $936 is a big deal to me, I am not dealing in multi million dollar sales where one or two big sales a year are good. I have to sell 15 + ads a week to make a good income for the week.

So when you loose 3 ads it hurts, not just in the pocket book but a bit personally. These are 2 of my best clients so I know that they will be back with me in the future but it does not help my boss and their boss to see that everything is still good.

OK then today I had another agency place an ad with me a few weeks ago but never got me the artwork for placement. So with no artwork there is no ad to place so they wanted to cancel. AHHH not another one. It is Friday afternoon around 4pm, we cannot cancel this late when our deadline is 4pm on Friday. Well we worked it out where everyone is happy. Still not happy with it all since they had over two weeks to send artwork but didn't.

Well I know this was a who cares or a "I can't understand anything he just wrote" post but it was good for me to vent a bit. Who cares if I am writing properly and easily understood by those reading if I can vent a bit. It is few and far between that I do but here it is for the world to read.

Then to have 3 or so ads that were "supposed" to come in fall of on Friday makes for a bummer of a week here at the office.

I know Christ is here for me and will be here for me so I have to cling more to him and know that everything will be alright. Especially now where there is some added pressure to do much better this year compared to a good year in 2006.

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