Monday, January 22, 2007

Got a prob wit dat?

OK it is Monday and that means a long five days until the weekend. Well This past weekend was a little weird for me brain in that all day Saturday I thought it was Sunday and yesterday I thought it was Saturday. I was fine with Saturday thinking it was Sunday cuz once "Sunday" (meaning Saturday) was over there was a second Sunday that came where I was not at work.
The problem is the fact that when you are feeling that it is Saturday when in actuality it is Sunday comes as a large disappointment the next day when you have to awaken early to get to work. I think it felt like Saturday yesterday more cuz it was such a beautiful day outside that it was a nice thought to have two of them in a row that I was not inside at my desk. Oh well it is Monday and here I am inside at my desk, have not been outside yet so I do not know what I am missing.
Maybe that is why I ate like a bitty piggy and gained a few pounds over the weekend. Since I was so lost of what day it was all I could do was eat to ease the pain. Most likely not the reason but in today's world you do not have to take responsibly anymore, just blame it on anything else you can think of. For this instance for me it was definitely lack of control with my arms, they just kept raising food and soda up to my food hole. What could I have done? There was no other option but to eat and enjoy. My arms made me do it. What am I to do, I have two of them?
Heard a something great this weekend that as I think about it goes right along with my problem. Someone was talking about the different types of people and used the water in a cup scenario. But he said that there are three types of people? That only talks about two, the ones who see the glass half full and the others that see it half empty. When he threw the third type of person it rang a bell for me. All the third person wanted was a Cheeseburger! That's my problem, I could care less about the water all I want is a Cheeseburger!
As the Venus flytrap said in that one movie musical "Feed me". What is the name of that movie again?
Oh by the way there was no ice on the streets this weekend as they predicted thanks to me and my last post.


Anonymous said...

the movie is Little Shop of Horrors.....

Toebee's Fumes said...

That's it!

Thank U