Friday, September 15, 2006

I, Toebee, am a Blogging Slacker

Hey y'all how ya be?

Well it has been a very very busy week so I will try to go thru a bit of it for you. That is if you care.

This past weekend I upgraded my PC with a Firewire card to download my Video Camera onto my own PC. Also got a DVD Burner to burn my edited videos as to show them on DVD players. Well I could not figure out how to burn the DVD and it took me to Tuesday night to figure it out finally. Got it to work but the quality of the video is still something to be desired. Oh well I am going to try and figure something out to hopefully improve it.

Also on Monday I IM'd with my bro in Nigeria. That was awesome to chat with him for a while and to see how we can fit into his ministry there in Nigeria. For those that do not know Alycia and I are planning to join my brother and his family in Ministry in Nigeria. After chatting with him I feel awesome in the direction that we are going and how the Lord will allow me and my wife to work alongside or at least close to my bro and his fam. How awesome is that?

First I started my class Intro to Theology class on Monday and have had some, ugh, homework to do. After one class I am feeling pretty good about the class and all that I have the opportunity to learn. Of course you could tell from earlier posts that the class freaked me out. But it is definately "Intro to Theology for lay people". I am debating starting a second blog for me to summerize my learning and reading. This way as I write it out I will be learning and hopefully retaining said learning. I know that one would not be viewed but it would be for me I guess with the thought that someone can read it and then respond. Well just a thought.

Well had to study Tuesday night after I figured out how to properly burn a DVD. Wednesday night my inlaws were in town so we did dinner and from there I went to Church for Wildlife our Jr. High group at my Church.

Well after chatting with Kyle Monday we have to find an agency that will allow us to work in Nigeria. For the most part we have been lead in the direction of SIM International. A friend of ours had the name of the Local SIM recruiter here in the Dallas area that has been and spent many years in Nigeria. So he has great knowledge of and a heart for Nigeria . Can you see the Lord at work? We sent out notes to 6 different agencies and most wrote back telling us to contact SIM.

Well we met with Dick on Thursday, he was such a blessing to talk with for a couple hours about the desires the Lord has laid upon our hearts for Nigeria. After speaking with him we are seeing a task that looks promising and exciting. We have received the Application and will start the whole process to Nigeria.

Work was just a crazy week altogether, as you can see I am a bit tired since there is not humor in my writing today. I am just plain tired today, sorry about that!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Of course Sat. threw a wrench into it all with our meeting with WorldVenture!