Tuesday, August 07, 2007

“prepared meals”

This past weekend my wife and I attended a Spiritual Retreat with our mission Candidate Team from our Church. We utilized my wife’s relative’s home on Moss Lake near the Oklahoma Border here in Texas.

It was a very awesome time spent with God for most of the Day Saturday. I will not go into details at this time since it was a time for each one of us to connect with Christ and to listen for his directives. With my time alone with Him he took me “back to the basics”. I realized this weekend that from time to time we need to get back to the basics in our relationship with him. With all of the things going on in each of our lives we let it get so complex that we lose focus on what our relationship with him looks like.

An analogy that I came up with is “prepared meals”. In America today you can go to almost any store and purchase any meal already prepared. Sometimes we take these meals home, cook and eat, while sometimes we may add a bit more spices or another ingredient to make it just perfect for our tastes. This is the same in our walk with Him. If we have had a relationship with Christ for a while we tend to deal with Christ in this fashion. We go to Church, listen to sermons on the radio, and listen to Christian music, read books (other than the Bible), Sunday School Classes and other similar ways to be fed.

This all equals how “prepared” our relationship with Christ really is to most of us today. What happened to actually preparing a meal from scratch? Convenience and Time have consumed us. Do I really know the intricacy or intimacy of Christ if my spiritual diet is already prepared for me? What I found this weekend for my answer is NO! How can I know and truly appreciate a meal if I have no idea of how it is made and how to prepare it if I have never done so or have not done so for so long?

Same with being fed spiritually. He has the true ingredients for us to maintain a healthy life in Him if we just take time to walk thru His store (the Bible) and find the ingredients He has for us to be fed.

He has a great Store that I visited this past weekend and was fed from. My challenge is to realize which Store are we shopping at? Are we shopping for convenience or for the ingredients to make the best meal to be truly fed?

Back to the Basics meant Jeremiah 17:7-8 for me this weekend. Maybe later this week I will share what these basic truths fed me this past weekend.


Anonymous said...

perhaps mine is th emicrowave type life, if i can't do it right now, i often pass, maybe the question i should ask is what is the hurry...

Anonymous said...

what church do you go to? (and YES you do need to come by and say hi soon ... !!!)

Toebee's Fumes said...

Bent Tree BF

My thoughts and opinions are not associated and statements from the Church itself. They are written and expressed directly by me, a mere man that can be wrong.

Hehehe had to write my disclaimer!!

Anonymous said...

As I told you on Sat...this is a really good analogy - it makes me think....