Monday, January 15, 2007

Icing Islam

Well as most of you are realizing around the country it is darn cool outside. Here in Dallas it is below freezing making the weather very nice. The best part is that for three days usually here in Dallas I get to pull out my my big ol' leather coat to wear and stay warm (Day 1 today since we did not leave the home yesterday). With the added rain over the weekend, lots of rain actually, has made it fun for all. OK there might be a little sarcasm on all of that but it was not as bad as the news made it all out to be. For a little bit I believed it and altered plans to what they were saying only to see that it was not as bad as they had predicted. I should have known better but I am getting older and not as sharp as I used to be I guess. I usually can see thru all of that and plan accordingly but my spidy senses are growing weaker I guess.
Well the ice in the trees made it look pretty cool outside. Driving around this morning we did see a few trees snapped in half due to all of the extra weight due to the frozen precipitation.
Well tonight classes start again for me. As some of you may remember last year I took an intro to Theology class. Well this time I am taking a class at our church on Islam. Kinda cool that I got to take the Intro to Theology before taking this class since I can see how each of them have progressed and where they are today. It looks to be a pretty intense class with tests and a paper due all to get a certificate stating that I took it and was successful in it. This way as we try and get into a missionary sending agency they know that I am currently learning about everything.
We are trying to get to Nigeria where half the population is Muslim and the other half Christian so all that I learn know will assist in the Lord's work. So pray for me that I can make it thru and learn much. The nice thing is that my wife is taking it right along with me so she will be a huge help as we go along.
Pray that I will not freeze up during the progression of the class and give up in the middle as I tend to do.

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