Tuesday, January 30, 2007

R.I.P. Barbaro, R.I.P.

Yesterday Barbaro was put down due to his injuries and all that has accompanied his life after his race where he broke his leg. I replied to a news story on USA Todays onDeadline section where people can respond to news articles. I responded to one on the site about the famed horse that had to be put down.

The first one is my response. I love animals and am sad for those that actually knew the horse that they have had to put the horse down. I just do not understand those reacting so strong that have never met said horse in their life.

The reason I blog on this is to show you the two sides. I was going to respond to what I think about mine and her response but I want to hear what you say. Am I wrong? Too harsh? etc etc. Let me know.

I do not want to sound mean about this but people are crying, literally heartbroken for a horse? I do not get it. We have humanity dying everyday all over the world yet we cry and hurt for a horse!
Lord help us if we grieve more for an animal than for humanity that is hurting, dying and sick.
How has your life been truly effected by a horse that ran in ovals for a living? Wow, I cannot believe where our feelings lay these days?
Sad sad sad state of the world that we grieve for an animal.

Posted by: Toebee

Now a response to my post:

"Sad sad sad state of the world that we grieve for an animal"Toebee said. This also applies to Mr. GET REAL! What kind of person are you? They say that a person who abuses animals also abuses people and so it seems that if you don't have any compassion for an animal you must really be a rotten person and I find it hard to believe you give a crap about anyone but yourself! I care about everyone including animals. Animals are beautiful, give unconditional love and are precious to this world! Barbaro was a beautiful animal and it breaks my heart to see such a strong horse be in so much pain, may he rest in peace...
Posted by: Diana

Anyone else scared for our world?


Anonymous said...

Where did she get the idea that Toby abuses animals? PEople are really crazy!!!! I agree...why all the hullaballoo about a horse!

Mercy's Maid said...

I'm the biggest animal lover, and I think it's sad any time an animal is hurt or has to be euthanized, but as I had no connection to this horse, I'm not exactly crying my eyes out for him.

I'm sure the owners are sad, but in those circles, they're probably more sad about the money they won't be making off of him than actually losing a "member of their family".

I think the person who responded took your comment out of context.

I mean if it was your family pet, of course you would grieve over it, right? But if we don't grieve over strangers' obituaries in the newspaper, why would we grieve over a horse we've never met?

Toebee's Fumes said...

Well said. I like your analogy you used at the end. That is perfect!

This whole thing just shows how the media can affect people good or bad. They have hyped this story every chance they had.