Friday, April 06, 2007

Remember the good ol' days?

Well this weekend is when we celebrate Easter. The Death of Christ on the cross today on Good Friday and then the resurrection of Christ on Easter Sunday. Where a bunny crossed paths with Christ in all of this is beyond me but our celebrations these days include an Easter bunny, egg hunts and chocolate.

When I was a kiddo many moons ago we did have the typical easter basket full of candy & the egg hunt (with real eggs none of the fake eggs in our home baby!). I have a quick Q on the egg hunt. Why are parents so cruel to kids with this tradition? They get the kids all excited to color and design the eggs only to hide them on us and make us find them. That is cruel and unusual punishment I tell ya.

Well my best memory is somewhat sketchy so if my parents are reading this and want (or should I say have the need?) to correct me please do.

The reason that this memory is coming up are the stories of snow around the North today. Growing up in Wisconsin the temperature at this time can still be somewhat cool or cold. One year I remember being excited about going to the local park for an annual Easter Egg hunt. When waking up for the event I found out that the Easter bunny had some serious dandrif problems since it left behind a few inches of white stuff outside. OK you might find this hard to believe but it was actually snow and it was freezing outside.

So I bundled up in my snow suit for an hour of hunting for eggs. From there I start getting sketchy so I will not bore you with lies of a made up time while out there hunting eggs, frozen eggs!!

I does seem to me the next years until I was too old to hunt for them anymore we held our own hunt inside of the house. It made it kinda fun when you could not find that last one and ya find it months later. Do not crack that puppy open if ya find it that much later.

Well have a HAPPY EASTER WEEKEND and to all the kiddos out there reading my blog each and every day Happy Hunting!! The pic is one I found online, it is funny lookin though ain't it? Looks like a skull if ya ask me.

1 comment:

Mercy's Maid said...

I fondly remember discovering lost Easter eggs in the summer. Yuck! :)