Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Islam and Fatherhood

The last 14 weeks or so there have been two incredible things going on in my life. Last night it was great to be able to put them together in my mind. I know when I tell you what the two things are you might be a bit concerned. But it is not bad at all.

The first thing has been the class on Islam that my wife and I have been taking at our Church. It has been a great class that has opened my eyes not just to Islam but to my own faith as well. Before 9-11 who really had many thoughts about Islam and Muslims in general? I know I did not have many thoughts since they were in their part of the world and I was safely tucked into my part of the world here in Dallas, Texas.

Well 9-11 changed all of that for everyone here in the U.S. especially those within our class. The overwhelming thought was how violent the religion of Islam is, especially after an Islamic group introduced it to our shores in such a violent way. Yes, I know there were Muslims living within our borders before then but how many of us really took notice? Afterwards we all tend to notice more of the people around us and in our neighborhoods.

The class certainly opened each heart that was in attendance throughout the 12 week course. Not to the Islamic religion in itself (which it did greatly) but more to the people within its beliefs. Yes, it was done at my Church but an awesome part of the class was it was not just the Christian view on Islam. Two of the classes we had Muslims leading the class, one an Imam from a local Mosque and one an outreach person from the same Mosque who grew up in a Catholic home and converted along with a tour of a local Mosque. Other teachers were Muslims that found Christ and now have a relationship with Him.

Last night as I was lying down to slumber I had two thoughts pass thru my head. One was this class since last night was the last night and the second was the excitement of being a father. Ya remember the commercials of old “Hey, you got your chocolate in my peanut butter” second guy “Well you got your peanut butter in my Chocolate” for Reese's peanut butter cups? Yea the thoughts kinda seem like that a bit but trust me they relate as you read further..

Well as you know my wife is preggo at this time and being half way through has got me a bit excited. Not just the fact that I will be able to feel the kiddo soon within my wife's tummy but the time is coming quickly I get to meet the little one.

When I was thinking about the kiddo I got to thinking about Muslims and fatherhood. One of the things we learned is that in Islam they do not have a personnel relationship with god. He is someone that they tend to fear.

Last night I was thinking of how I cannot wait for the relationship that I am going to have with my kid after its birth. This is what Christ wants from us, he desires a relationship with us. With the kid on its way I can start to fully understand the love that Christ has for me as one of his own children. My wife and I are bringing a life into this world, how huge of a thought is that?

How very sad that there are millions of people who have a faith that replicates parts of what Christ desires of us but yet is missing the mark of a relationship with Christ. As a father he is there to comfort us, wrap his arms around us in times of troubles, guide us and love us even during all the stupid things we find ourselves doing.

It scares me that in a big way that I have missed how huge God’s love is for me and how unconditional he offers it. I know I am one that has mistreated the love that he has for me and has had for me the 35 years of my existence here on earth.

We have a duty to love as he has first loved us as a parent should love his child unconditionally as well. But that is another topic that would take how long to write, and read in your case, so I will leave that for another day.


Anonymous said...

I knew I should have taken that class with you, however I doubt I could have kept my mouth shut listening to the Imam, There is little doubt to me why a man would convert to mohammadism, but why would a women ever put herself through that???? I do envy their particular devotion and "moral" STRAIGHTNESS they have, I wish our Christian leaders/followers were as rockribbed as most islamist people are. I wonder how much doubt is allowed, I mean I seriously doubt I would have enough faith to blow myself up. SO would I then be a bad moslem?

Anonymous said...

I just about cried readine this entry...some deep thoughts my love! I share fully in your excitement- and can't wait until you can feel the little one!