Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Way to crazy!

This whole issue of global warming is getting out of hand. Do I believe that it exists? Yes I do. Have we caused it? I cannot say yes or no. Can it just be a warmer cycle the earth goes through once in a while? Why yes it could be just a cycle.

It is just common sense to me that we have no idea of WHY it is happening. One reason is that we have a hundred years of data at this time about weather and it's patterns. How many thousands of years has the world been spinning? So I am to believe in just those 100 or so years of data out of thousands of years the earth has been spinning? I for one cannot. Also if I am to believe the scientific thought process the numbers would change from 100 years out of then millions of years the earth has been spinning. I am not a mathematician or a scientist but I do have to question their thinking. We do know and believe that things tend to run in cycles don't we. But on this one way to many people are blindly agreeing way to fast since the Al Gores of the world are making far more noise than before.

One of the best things the Lord has told us is to listen to Him and to question man. If we do not question men like Al Gore's thinking then the human race is over as we know it. Also if we do not question men like Rush Limbaugh's thinking the human race is dead as we know it.

The craziest aspect of the global warming fad we are going thru right now is what I read today. Today I found this "Shifting dust storms on Mars might be contributing to global warming there, that is shrinking the planet's southern polar ice caps, scientists say".

MARS, did anyone see that coming? Man that is craziness. How many years of data on Mars weather patterns do we have? We are all guilty of killing Martians I guess, no wonder they are attacking us all over the place. Just as we need to stop it they need to get rid of the earth to stop the warming of their most beautiful planet. Maybe in all of this craziness the National enquirer is truly the only right publication out there when they talk about invaders from Mars. But not Pluto since that is no longer a planet.


Anonymous said...

it could be because there is a total disconnect for the possiblity of G-d having made the earth and the crazy self worship of man that we could believe we alone are capable of destroing that which we did not create, change or alter possibly but destroy, no freaking way.
I understand that there may indeed be a temperature change of a whole degree that is or may occur sometime in the next hundred years but do you or anyone else really think that we can alter how the sun burns!? It does not help when we have bozos like ted (not gay) haggart and rick (i gave the money away) warren tring to sell us on this bogus nonsense now... maybe rick should go back to syria and tell us some more how moderate it is and maybe it is not their fault they are making mad bombers. jmho


Mercy's Maid said...

I haven't seen Gore's documentary, but does he give practical ways for the average person to help the Global Warming problem?

I don't know what causes Global Warming, but I do know that we've taken this earth and have yucked it up in many ways and that's not good stewardship--if we want to turn this into a religious issue.

I also know that some of the same things that are blamed for global warming (vehicle emissions, etc.) do cause other problems (smog, etc.) which pose health problems (asthma, etc.) even if they don't turn out to be the cause of global warming.

Along with everything else, I say glean from it what you can. If there are practical things that make sense, implement them. If there are totally wacky things that go against what you believe, throw them out.

Toebee's Fumes said...

I know it is hard to understand but I agree with both of ya. We can do our part now after mucking up what we have been given to take care of. We have not done our part to preserve our health, even though we are living longer than we have in how many years? Must have been all of the twinkies we all ate as a kid.

This whole thing is one good reason I would not make a good mormon. Since men get to inherit their own planet after death. I can barely take care of what I have right know how could I ever be responsible for my own planet?

Well anyways I digress.