Friday, March 30, 2007

5 times the rib-eye, gin and tonic.

Cops: 'Gin and tonic bandit' skipped out on same meal 5 weeks straight

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. (AP) — A scofflaw who came to be known as the gin and tonic bandit went to the same restaurant each Wednesday, ordered two drinks and a rib-eye steak, then skipped out on his $25.96 bill.
His dining, drinking and dashing days may be over.
Police arrested the man on preliminary charges of theft and resisting law enforcement. He was being held early Friday at the Monroe County Jail on $2,000 bond, authorities said.
Each Wednesday night for four weeks running, the same man came into the same O'Charley's restaurant and ordered the two drinks and the steak, restaurant manager Teresa Tolbert told police.
At the end of each meal, the wait staff would present him with his bill for $25.96, and he would excuse himself to use the restroom, then skip out without paying.
The man appeared a fifth time Wednesday night, but the restaurant was ready for him, police said.
When his server presented the bill, he again claimed he needed to use the bathroom. But when he walked out of the restaurant, four employees were waiting for him. They confronted him about the unpaid bill, which he offered to pay with a check, police said.
After Tolbert told him the restaurant didn't accept checks, the man "got nervous and ran," according to the police report.
Officer Randy Gehlhausen caught up with the man as he was trying to open his car door. The diner struggled with Gehlhausen, who wrestled him to the ground and handcuffed him.
OK, what is that old saying "Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me"? What about four times? Not just four times mind you! But four orders of the same thing each and every time then skipped out on the bill. Talk about flaunting his prowess at skipping on the tab.

Who (besides this guy) first of all does the dine and dash not just once but then does it a 2nd, 3rd, 4th and then a 5th time, secondly the same order each time and thirdly THE SAME PLACE all five times and forthly 5 weeks IN A ROW. He felt a little to confident to try it a fifth time where he was then caught.

He had no confidence in the restaurant to recognize him and his meals, not a place that I would want to try since they let the same guy steal 5 times from them right under their nose. What about things like bugs, mice and such wandering around there. Do they see them?

Come to think of it he did it five times since he was allowed to eat and then had the chance to run. Only to be caught a short time later.

I could not muster up enough to do it even once in my life. Crazy world I tell ya.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I liken this to gas station run-offs, people really think they are pulling something, I just feel they are really sad...
How could you be so cheap as to steal from the poor guy working, most times the restaurant or gas station will take it out of the workers pay check, you never hurt standard oil or brinker...