Thursday, March 22, 2007

Sick and stupid!

First I gots-ta say thanks to my faithful readers in stepping up to the plate in my last poll. It is great to know that I have such loyal and great fans that think that my blog rocks so they voted for it over and over to reassure me that it rocks. Not that I need that reassurance but it is greatly appreciated by me that you think so and voiced your opinions. I kid, I GOT ZERO VOTES FOR THIS BLOG ROCKIN!! Not that I am bitter about that but it does kinda deflate the ego a bit.

Well I have been sick this last week and have missed most of this week due to me being home sick and tired. I just had no energy this past week to update, or should I say desire to update this darn thing. It just seemed like a ton of work and energy to update it or to read anyone elses blog.

Again I appreciate the concern, so to answer the question I know is burning thru your noggin right now, I am feeling better today. I am back to work even though not all too excited about that as well. The good thing is that I am away from the TV and the horrible shows that are broadcast thru the daylight hours. Good thing that I had the entire season of Friday Night Lights recorded on our DVR to watch all day yesterday. Not the best show out there but pretty good, especially beats Martha and all of her cronies on the talk show stages of the world.

My wife even kicked me to the (no not the curb) to the upstairs bedroom due to all of the noise I was making hacking, snorting the snot and my snoring. Not that I snore on a regular basis of course, really that part is true. I only snore when I am sleeping, and that does not make it a regular basis in my mind. Glad all of my shows are recorded up there so I could watch them.

One of the things that I remember the most of my TV watching is a commercial. That is how bad most of the shows were. It was a commercial for a brand of air conditioners that you can buy for your home. Not a window unit but a home edition. What is so strange about that by the way? They are selling them where you can get your Colleges logo on it. A few questions for ya:

1. Are they not usually found behind the house?

2. Are they usually not hidden behind a few bushes or a little fence?

3. How often does the average person entertain out in their backyard?

Wichita State U. was not harmed in the printing of this blog.

OK to me it just seems like a waste of cash to have that on there. Also, I for one would harrass ya pretty good if I went to your backyard and saw your schools logo blazened upon it. Buy a flag and place it in the front of your home and let more people know of your school pride. Not hidden in the backyard. I am an athletic supporter myself but that is just over the top.

1 comment:

Mercy's Maid said...

Tee hee hee. You're an athletic supporter!

I agree, that's a really odd way to show school spirit. Not to mention, I hate weed eating, so the view of my AC unit would be hidden by weeds all the time.