Thursday, March 01, 2007

Jumping the Shark

This blog thing can be tiring, I have not updated since Monday here on this Blog. I have been setting one up for my place of employment. I know they are fairly easy these days but I needed to have an excuse so I went with that one.

Well actually the whole deal is that I can write but I have erased everything that I have written about. This is no different I have written so many things but they end up on the cutting room floor. Or in this case out in oblivian somewhere. Can someone still pick that out of your PC like it can with little cookies? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmCOOKIES!

If I do not write again before the weekend we are off to Hot Springs. So check back next week to find out how our travels went to R.Kansas.

I hope my Blog has not jumped the shark!! OH NO!

I am a bit disppointed in y'all. I have only had three people (including myself) vote on my last poll. Here I thought it was a winner and would garner the most votes. I guess I have truly jumped the shark.

So let me know if I have "Jumped the Shark" in my NEW POLL ------->


Mercy's Maid said...

I'm sure no shark jumping has occurred. I bet you just have lots of silent lurkers. At least that's what I tell myself about my blog!

Toebee's Fumes said...

I like your terminology "silent lurkers". It is those darn bloglines as well.