Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Abts-tra, Abts-tra read all about it

Where have I been? Well I am so glad that you asked, even if you did not ask I am so glad that you did.

This past weekend (Thursday afternoon thru Sunday evening) my wife and I made a trip to Charlotte, NC for some interviews. As those of you who know us and have been reading my blog for a while know we are looking at being Missionaries in Nigeria. This weekend was one that would let us know whether or not we are taking a step forward towards that path or are taking a step back and starting the search for a sending agency once again.

SIM (Serving in Missions) is the agency that we visited and is just outside of Charlotte near the border with S.C.
We had a few meetings with various people throughout SIM from people that work in the office (which by the way are people who have been missionaries throughout the world before), also met with their placement guy along with a Psychologist. A lot of wisdom was to be had by everyone of the past missionaries now working in Charlotte at their Headquarters.

It was a great process and yet challenging for both of us at the same time. We both walked away with things that were hard to learn about ourselves but yet encouraged at the same time.

We also met some great people while we were there as well. The greatest aspect of that is that we are encouraged to know that the Lord has picked some great people to go to the ends of the earth. Places like Niger, Ethiopia, Thailand, Nigeria, Namibia, Sudan, and Ecuador along with other S. American and African countries were represented by those in attendance.

Alycia did not find it hard to relate to couple of ladies that were there during our weekend. They were pregnant as well. It was great for her to have a couple of ladies that she could relate too and speak preggo topics. But the similarities do not end there. All three of them are due the same week in September. How cool is that that there were 25 people there, 3 are pregnant and all of them are due the same week. Pretty cool I tell ya.

Well as I stated earlier we are now in the process of becoming missionaries in Nigeria. We have a long way to go before we can go so we do ask for your prayers for us in the process especially with our first kiddo on his way out in September.

We are thinking, at least I am, about setting up a separate BLOG for this aspect of our life. This way y’all can follow along easier with our progress and what prayer requests we have. I will make an announcement on this site once that is up and running.

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