Monday, June 25, 2007

Name that vehicle

A few weekends ago my wifes family had their yearly reunion, this time it was at Moss Lake in Texas. Very close to OK Land up north there.

It seemed to actually look like a lake, as much as it can here in Texas. What i mean is that I did not see all the trees and stumps left as they filled up the land to make a reservoir. It was a gloomy and rainy weekend so there was no real opportunity to get out on or into the lake.

OK part of not getting out on it was they had to look for hours to find a set of keys to ones pickup truck to move the boat into the lake to enjoy. Only to loose a good number of hours out of the afternoon to get out there for his son to realize that he had them in his pocket. Yes they were in his pocket!!

At one point I took a walk down the road only to stumb le upon a treasure I would like to share with you. I did not bring the camera along on my walk so I had to drive back to take the pics as you can tell in one of the pictures with my car in the background. Below you will find a few pictures I had taken for your sheer enjoyment.

And this treasure can be yours!


Yes it is FOR SALE for $700! That is a new and fresh for sale sign on it. If interested let me know and I can let you know where it is located. Can you tell what kind of vehicle it was?

I wanted to take a picture of a sign as well but forgot to take it the 5 times that we passed it. It read something like BYOB & PIZZA. It was a little corner store. Are they telling me that I should bring it there and eat while being merry drinking or that I could get both for the gathering I am going too? Well that is the small town I guess.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that may have been something made by International Harvester (IH) or possibly an old Jeep...