Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Preggo brain is real!

This one is going to be shorter than the last few. I know I have lost a lot of my loyal readers since my posts have gotten too long. I know one of them just so happens to be my wife with whom this post is about.

Ya ever hear of Preggo Brain? I never did until I saw an episode from a recent show called “Notes from the Underbelly”. The last episode, I think, had the main lady character who is pregnant forgetting things and all that and blaming it on being pregnant, thus Preggo Brain is derived.

My wife lovingly and quite proudly made me lunch yesterday. So at lunch time I busted out my sandwich and chips and hunkered down at my desk to enjoy. I took a big bite of my sandwich and started chewing. As I was chewing I noticed that it was not the easiest to sandwich to chew.

Ya know when you by different prepackaged sliced cheeses from the store they have that paper between the slices? Yea you guessed it, she left a piece of paper on the cheese and I was now eating it with my sandwich.

I do appreciate the Love she has to make the sandwich, just funny to think about it though.


Anonymous said...

I just figured you might want a little extra fiber in your sandwich!

Anonymous said...

Just wait! it gets better still!!!!
(evil laugh)