Friday, March 30, 2007
5 times the rib-eye, gin and tonic.
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. (AP) — A scofflaw who came to be known as the gin and tonic bandit went to the same restaurant each Wednesday, ordered two drinks and a rib-eye steak, then skipped out on his $25.96 bill.
His dining, drinking and dashing days may be over.
Police arrested the man on preliminary charges of theft and resisting law enforcement. He was being held early Friday at the Monroe County Jail on $2,000 bond, authorities said.
Each Wednesday night for four weeks running, the same man came into the same O'Charley's restaurant and ordered the two drinks and the steak, restaurant manager Teresa Tolbert told police.
At the end of each meal, the wait staff would present him with his bill for $25.96, and he would excuse himself to use the restroom, then skip out without paying.
The man appeared a fifth time Wednesday night, but the restaurant was ready for him, police said.
When his server presented the bill, he again claimed he needed to use the bathroom. But when he walked out of the restaurant, four employees were waiting for him. They confronted him about the unpaid bill, which he offered to pay with a check, police said.
After Tolbert told him the restaurant didn't accept checks, the man "got nervous and ran," according to the police report.
Officer Randy Gehlhausen caught up with the man as he was trying to open his car door. The diner struggled with Gehlhausen, who wrestled him to the ground and handcuffed him.
OK, what is that old saying "Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me"? What about four times? Not just four times mind you! But four orders of the same thing each and every time then skipped out on the bill. Talk about flaunting his prowess at skipping on the tab.
Who (besides this guy) first of all does the dine and dash not just once but then does it a 2nd, 3rd, 4th and then a 5th time, secondly the same order each time and thirdly THE SAME PLACE all five times and forthly 5 weeks IN A ROW. He felt a little to confident to try it a fifth time where he was then caught.
He had no confidence in the restaurant to recognize him and his meals, not a place that I would want to try since they let the same guy steal 5 times from them right under their nose. What about things like bugs, mice and such wandering around there. Do they see them?
Come to think of it he did it five times since he was allowed to eat and then had the chance to run. Only to be caught a short time later.
I could not muster up enough to do it even once in my life. Crazy world I tell ya.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
The car that flew by me had one of those Fish decals on it. I got to thinking about why some

My revelation is this. I always felt a bit betrayed by their testimony of telling people that they believe in Christ but yet cannot believe in the posted limit. I know I am guilty of it as well. But my revelation is that they are actually helping out the kingdom.
Why? How? You may be asking yourself.
Let me tell you. What they are wanting to do is to spread the the facts of Christ to more people. What better way of doing that than by speeding down the road to get Christ in front of more eyeballs.
Genius I tell ya, genius!
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Who in the world?
The Mississauga News
Mar 25, 2007 An Ottawa woman has become sick after eating dog food that might have come from a Mississauga pet food company forced to issue a recall after rat-poison was found in some of its products, the Ottawa Citizen is reporting.
Elaine Larabie told The Citizen she ate dog food last week in an effort to get her dog, Missy, to try some. The woman and dog were soon taken to hospital with Larabie complaining of loss of appetite, vomiting and foaming of the mouth.
The woman is currently awaiting the results of medical tests.
Streetsville-based Menu Foods issued a recall of 60 million cans and pouches of wet pet food earlier this week. The recall is expected to cost the company anywhere from $30-$40 million.
On Friday, officials in the United States confirmed reports that a chemical spray designed to kill rodents was discovered on Chinese wheat found in the pet food.
The recall includes dog and cat food sold throughout North America under brands such as Iams, Nutro and Eukanuba.
Larabie said she fed her dog a bit of Iams food and, after calling the company, confirmed it was affected by the recall and that it may have been contaminated with the poison.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Sick and stupid!
Well I have been sick this last week and have missed most of this week due to me being home sick and tired. I just had no energy this past week to update, or should I say desire to update this darn thing. It just seemed like a ton of work and energy to update it or to read anyone elses blog.
Again I appreciate the concern, so to answer the question I know is burning thru your noggin right now, I am feeling better today. I am back to work even though not all too excited about that as well. The good thing is that I am away from the TV and the horrible shows that are broadcast thru the daylight hours. Good thing that I had the entire season of Friday Night Lights recorded on our DVR to watch all day yesterday. Not the best show out there but pretty good, especially beats Martha and all of her cronies on the talk show stages of the world.
My wife even kicked me to the (no not the curb) to the upstairs bedroom due to all of the noise I was making hacking, snorting the snot and my snoring. Not that I snore on a regular basis of course, really that part is true. I only snore when I am sleeping, and that does not make it a regular basis in my mind. Glad all of my shows are recorded up there so I could watch them.
One of the things that I remember the most of my TV watching is a commercial. That is how bad most of the shows were. It was a commercial for a brand of air conditioners that you can buy for your home. Not a window unit but a home edition. What is so strange about that by the way? They are selling them where you can get your Colleges logo on it. A few questions for ya:

Wichita State U. was not harmed in the printing of this blog.
OK to me it just seems like a waste of cash to have that on there. Also, I for one would harrass ya pretty good if I went to your backyard and saw your schools logo blazened upon it. Buy a flag and place it in the front of your home and let more people know of your school pride. Not hidden in the backyard. I am an athletic supporter myself but that is just over the top.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Bogi & the Shark
OK I have heard a few things recently on how to tell if it is a boy or a girl without all of the testing. So far we we have to answer that we are definitely having a Borl or does it sound better as a bogi? A boy/Girl. OK so far we have only seen one kid in the picture that we have. So we are pretty sure there is only one.
How do you tell and our answer!
1. If the pregnant lady is sick most of the time it is a girl since most girls make the mother's body work a lot harder than boys.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Please do not shoot...

Friday, March 02, 2007
Kudo to the Chief
Kewaskum, Wisconsin Police Chief Dick Knoebel's decision last September to write himself a ticket for passing a stopped school bus has garnered attention from all over the world.
Now CBS news anchor Katie Couric has taken notice.
Last September, Knoebel wrote himself a ticket for $235 after he drove past a stopped school bus with its warning lights flashing.
Knoebel said he passed the bus because he was distracted at the time by a stopped dump truck. He saw a car coming from behind and thought it might hit the truck, so he moved to pass the truck before he saw the stopped school bus in the far lane.
He docked himself four points on his driving record and paid the fine the next day.Knoebel's story was first reported in February by the local West Bend newspaper, then written about by Milwaukee Journal Sentinel columnist Mike Nichols.
The story appeared on local TV stations, was picked up by the major wire services and on the Internet, was reported in USA Today and other national newspapers.
"It's a feel-good story type of thing," Knoebel said today.Knoebel, 56, said he was told by CBS news producers that if his tale garners the most votes, his full story will air on Couric's broadcast next Friday.
In addition, Knoebel will be interviewed live at 4:30 a.m. Saturday for CBS's "The Saturday Early Show."Knoebel, who starts his normal work day at 6 a.m., said that's a little early for him, "unless I've gone hunting or fishing."
He's received about 200 e-mails from all over the world, including from Germany, Romania, China, New Zealand, Australia, Russia and England, plus cards and letters, he said.
For the most part, "People are happy to see that there's an honest policeman," Knoebel said. "I tell them that cops do good things but they never get reported."
See not all my post's are smelly with fumes!!
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Jumping the Shark
Well actually the whole deal is that I can write but I have erased everything that I have written about. This is no different I have written so many things but they end up on the cutting room floor. Or in this case out in oblivian somewhere. Can someone still pick that out of your PC like it can with little cookies? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmCOOKIES!
If I do not write again before the weekend we are off to Hot Springs. So check back next week to find out how our travels went to R.Kansas.
I hope my Blog has not jumped the shark!! OH NO!
I am a bit disppointed in y'all. I have only had three people (including myself) vote on my last poll. Here I thought it was a winner and would garner the most votes. I guess I have truly jumped the shark.
So let me know if I have "Jumped the Shark" in my NEW POLL ------->