Friday, October 12, 2007

Why oh why could I not be so genius?

Do you know what is going on in this world today? Let me recap a few things for you. There are people killing other people cuz their god told them to, there are wars happening, people are dying due to addiction to drugs, abortions, abuse, racism, depression, suicide, students killing other students, gang violence and the list goes on.

Did you know that Al Gore won a Peace prize due to his global warming stand? Has that not divided people in certain instances? But I digress cuz I believe I have found the one invention that will bring peace once and for all to the world that we are a part of.

It is an invention that most of us will hit ourselves for not thinking of it ourselves earlier.

Introducing Toilet Golf!

Online description: This is the potty putter. It's a miniature green and rug for in front of the toilet. What amazes me is that the guy in this picture needs to play golf and read a magazine. $18

Maybe you can get a nice package deal with the Fish Bowl Toilet (That I featured in a past fume) and the Toilet Golf mat! Sweet!

Does anyone wonder why the rest of the world looks at American as having to much?

Hard to believe that someone had first of all thought of this product and then produced it for sale.

I can see now the PTGA (Professional Toilet Golf Association) league now taking applications.

Maybe I could be so bright and genius eh?

1 comment:

Mercy's Maid said...

I'm just glad there are no visible skid marks on the guy's underwear.