Saturday, December 23, 2006

Be afraid, very afraid!

Ok so this is not actually the post of the year since the photos did not turn out as well as I thought they would have. I had higher hopes for this little project but this is what I have. I just see way to many homes that have too many things going on with their Christmas Decorations. I was inspired to bring this to my peeps, all 1.5 of y'all.

House #1
Sorry about the photo it does not show the house off as much as I would have liked.
Ok this house went crazy with the inflatables. Where did these things come from and a bigger question that I have is why do people think these look good in their front yards.

House #2

Again sorry about the photo it does not doe the ugliness justice.

This one has the "isicles" hangin from the roof, inflatibles, the old school plastic light ups and lines of lights around the front yard.

House #3

All that needs to be said is that there are two sets of reindeer and colorful "icicle" lights yikes!

House #4

The pictues are coming out a bit better!

Keep one theme please!!

House #5

Again, KEEP ONE THEME!! Can you see the helicopter lights on the roof, that is Santa arriving in style to their home. Way to many lights, way to many themes and just plain silliness.

The funniest thing that came to mind while out taking these photos is if someone saw us taking the photos of their home. They must have thought that we liked it so much that we just had to have a photo. Or better yet that maybe their home might be in the community newspaper showing off their most beautiful home to the world. Nope, only me posting about how much silliness is going on out there.

These people take pride in putting all of this up, this scares me a bit!

Couple of sites to look at that feel the same as I do! Click on the links below

Richmond Dispatch, This is about an actual contest to be the tackiest light display each year. If that is the case more power to you.

Well again sorry about the post after getting your hopes up for my best post of the year. Do look over to the side and Vote for your favorite worst house out of the 5!


Thursday, December 21, 2006

3rd times a charm I guess

Well I have informed you about some of my sales meetings this past week so I thought I would let you know about my last one. This time I went in there fresh since they have never been a client of mine like the previous two. But this time the results were far different than the last.

I went in thinking I would end up getting some ads but not what I walked out with as in sales. They signed a fairly large contract with me for 2007 with an option for more if the results are what they expect. Plus they are interested in many of the other opportunities that we are offering for 2007!

How can I sell someone new but yet cannot sell to clients that have been with me for over 2 years and in on case over 5 1/2 years. Kinda Crazy!!

We are actually off tomorrow which is kinda crazy as well since my company has never given us a Friday off that is not the true date for the holiday itself. What to do, what to do? I guess a little shopping is in order. I know it is a little early for me but I will manage I guess.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The passing of...

Well this weekend was the passing of an era in my life. For the last century I have owned a Pontiac Bonneville, not the same one mind you but a Bonne non the less. Well my last one was literally on it's last cylinder. Last night as I drove it to the dealership I did not think that the poor baby was going to make it. But it did and I was happy to leave it behind for someone else to deal with.

We purchased a Nissan Altima (my first Japenese car in over 12 years, they are Japenese aren't they?). I have a larger stature of 6'3" or so and a slightly bigger frame so that was a major aspect of finding a car for me. This one surprised me and has plenty of leg room for everyone in the car. Very nice car! To find out more and to see a picture of this particular car with the same paint job as ours (not actually ours and not of actual size) you can see it here on my wifes blog Ally's After-thoughts!


Well yesterday I had another meeting with a client that did not go as I had hoped. It was another "no" meeting as well. This was with a City here in Dallas even though they have been my client since I arrived here in Dallas 5 1/2 years ago. They are going a different direction right now since she was a bit uninformed about some things. I got her up to speed so there continues to be hope for us to work together again in 2007. So all is not lost but on a short hiatus for a little bit.

So this is another passing of an era with them as well since we have been a constant vendor of theirs for over a half of a century.

By the way this is not my post of the year I am still trying to get all that I need to post it! So keep checking back here since there will be a vote that will go along with it.

Friday, December 15, 2006

You mean what?

Hey hey there home slices, I know that is a bit old school but then again so am I! Or should I say "no school" for me? hehehehe, me so funny!

OK I have to get this off my chest since it has been bugging me for far to long. There is a lady that I know that makes this silly comment after you have made your comment or statement about the converstation at hand. She does not do each time but she does it enough that it is driving me crazier.

Let me give you a far fetched scenerio of where it might happen. Let us say we were having a conversation about pink elefants so I say "Man I think they are pretty and all but when they jump in front of your car they can be dangerous if not deadly". She then would pipe in rather quickly I might ad "I mean to tell you".

Huh? What? Come again. She said "I mean to tell ya" even when she is not the one telling you anything. I guess it would pass muster if she actually then makes a statement of her own about pink elefants but she offers nothing else of substance in the conversation but "I mean to tell ya".

Well anyways have a great weekend and I hope to have the "post of the year for you next week". I mean to tell ya!


Tuesday, December 12, 2006

If I cannot acheive it then why should anyone else be recognized?

Mass. high school decides the honor roll is too stressful
USA TodayPosted by Mike Carney at 11:08 AM/ET, December 12, 2006
A Massachusetts high school will no longer publish its honor roll because of concerns that the traditional academic rankings cause too much stress for students, especially those who don't make the list.
Needham High School Principal Paul Richards told the Needham Times "the idea of keeping the honor roll private was pitched by a concerned parent and spread quickly in a school community already looking to ease tension around the town."
Good students will receive a letter of congratulations instead of having their name published in the local newspaper, the paper said. But WCVB-TV reports the community is split on the decision.
"Richards said one parent with three children attending Needham High told him publishing the honor roll is a constant cause of stress in her family. According to that parent, one of the three students routinely made the honor roll while the other two did not," the station reported on its website.
"Another parent who didn't want his name used said his two youngsters, a senior and a junior at Needham High, both consistently received honors and high honors. He said he, 'took special pride in opening the newspaper and seeing his kids names.' He said he could also see how the publishing of names could put stress on other kids who did not make it."
So they are taking away any acheivement from students who deserve to have recognition. I was never on the honor roll and if I recall correctly I did not even come close. Let us think of a hypothetical situation here, very hypothetical. What if I being a student for a few years and never made the list but then one semester I buckled down and made the list. Where would be my recognition for it? OHHHH a letter in the mail.
I understand that we want our children to be happy and to love themselves for who Christ created them to be. He did not make everyone equal in the smarts catagory, I can attest to that. My oldest brother was is the smart one, yea I wish I had his smarts but I do not. Has that stopped me from being myself and being a child of Christ? No way!
OOPS forgot we already have taken Christ out of everything, sorry about that.
I have another ability that he does not have and that is drawing. I have a great artistic (which I need to use more often than I do now) ability that sets me a part. I was not born for being a brain and being on the honor roll. Could I have done much better? Why yes I could have if I took an interest in it and applied myself more. I won awards with my ability, won a scholarship, had my name on a calendar due to my abilites. Am I supposed to give up that recognition because my brother did not?
We are raising children that will not be able to function without a lawyer on hand to make tings better for me. If I do not get the recognition in my office but my colleague does am I supposed to complain and ask for my own recognition when I did not do it? Where has the ability to be happy for someone else and to encourage them while trying to better yourself gone?
It is sad to me that we are making everything and everyone equal when we are far from that. Encourage the strengths of others not take away. I am repeating myself here but we are not all made the same.
I have had many people say that they wish they could draw like me, well I wish that I could be smarter and retain things more in my brain. But I do not, I have accepted it, moved on and have a great life not ever being an "A" student or on the honor roll.

Monday, December 11, 2006

A few notes

Well kind of a blah day for me so far. For some reason I am feeling really tired even though I have been sleeping great the last few days. You would think that I would be feeling wide awake and ready for the day but I am dragging a bit! I do not usually find myself in a deep dreamy state during my slumber but for the last few days I have. Last nights dream for some reason I found myself in Mexico with a group of people. If I do dream I usually cannot recall what my dreams were the next morning unless if I am in a coma like sleep overnight. So for me to recall Mexico with a group is pretty good for me.

Maybe it is a case of OS (Over sleep), this is a condition where you get too much sleep during the night and have the feeling of being tired and groggy yet the next day. Even though you maybe had too much sleep. Ya follow?

Well today I had a meeting with a client of mine for the last 3 years. I have always dealt with him via the phone but I am trying to set up sales for 2007 so I thought I would pay him a visit. So after 3 years we finally meet, the sad thing is for the past year he has only been located a few blocks from the office and we never had met even though he has been a great client of mine. Well it was nice to actually meet him and find out more about his business. It is a business that competes with Texas Instruments in products and in most aspects of business down to the people they hire.

Well during our meeting when it came down to actually "selling" him and getting something signed he said "no". OK it was not just a no but a no times 3. I think if I had to have a ticket validated to get out of the parking lot he still would have told me no. But after 3 years of being a great client I look forward to working with him more even if our pricing is not set for 2007 as I tried to do today. He said that he would have to take his chances and pay more if needed. Well that is not all bad in itself if I am going to get more for the same as he would have paid for it with a rate hold as I tried to sell him today. All is good.

Well tonight is Christmas Party number 1 for this week that holds 4. Tonight is for the worship and arts ministry at Church which I get to tag along too (it is usually very entertaining if you could not already gather that by the group gathering), Thursday is our work get together and then Friday is for Wildlife leaders (Jr. high group at our Church), then Saturday is for our Lifegroup. Yikes my tummy will be expanding, please pray for control!

Well as you can tell a slow news day and toebee day!!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

'Tis the season

This time of the year we keep getting bombarded with so much for the Holiday Season as in ads, Christmas music 2 weeks BEFORE Thanksgiving, lights around the office and everywhere else you look. As some of you know that my parents were in town recently during the Thanksgiving week and weekend. During their visit there were a couple of instances where we were going places and I was driving. (My rule when driving is when I am in the car we listen to my music over the radio [iPod]. Ok that is not all true when I am driving it is my music that is played. I do try to know the speed of music that my passengers prefer so I try to tailor my music choice to them.) and my mother wanted to listen to Christmas music and I did not want too. So I compromised and listened to the softest music I have.

I do not listen to P.O.D., Red, Flyleaf or similar groups when my parents are in the car. I will listen to music like BTBF Worship recording "Still Amazed" or other slower music for them. This way I am happy listening to what I like and they can be content. I like to drive only if my music is playing, I am a bit quarky like that. My wife rocks for allowing me to listen to my music when I drive. That is a love language for me when someone allows me to do such things.

Well I diverted off my original thoughts about 'tis the Season and all of that. Well my mother wanted to listen to Christmas music and I did not allow it to be played while I was driving. Alycia was better for my mother since she listened to Christmas music while she drove my mother around. I do have a point here so stick with me, there are alot of rabbits to chase.

Well for me being someone from the North where there is snow if not on Christmas at least a week or so before or after. If no snow the high temps usually range 20-30 degrees. For 30 + years I associated Snow with the Holiday Season not Christmas itself. I have always got into Christmas but it is the "season" around it that I have had difficulty getting into I guess.

Here in Texas the highs are usually around 50 degrees during this time of the year and the earth is brown. Even Fall here is rather blah! Up north you have a beautiful grand entrance of fall by the leaves turning beautiful colors. It kind of signifies the beauty and majesty of Christ as the colors pop up everywhere. Then as the leaves begin to fall to the ground the trees seem to be bowing before we Celebrate in Thanksgiving the Birth of Christ.

Well to wrap this up like a nice little Christmas gift. This year I seem to be getting into the "mood" of Christmas and the Holiday season earlier for a few reasons. One is that we have many days that have been cool (freezing by Texas standards) with a snow flurry one day mixed in. This left some white stuff on the ground even if just a trace of it. Secondly we are traveling back to my home town in southeastern Wisconsin where the temps will be cold and hopefully a bit of snow on the ground.

With all of that said I would like to say early
Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Thanks copper

OK I just got back from getting my lunch so I thought I would post real quick. Well not just because I got back from lunch but I have a bit of time to do so. For those interested I went to the Corner Bakery and had half of a Ham sandwitch on Pretzel bread with a cup of Chili. I did not eat it all either even though it was tasty. Not the tastiest meal I had but it hit a spot in my tummy.

While driving there I needed to turn right onto a Blvd with three lanes. Well I turned into the middle lane due to the fact that the left lane went further back than the middle lane. I had some time to get over one more lane to make my left turn into the parking lot. As I waited there I plotted out my best scenario and moves in getting across the street to buy said lunch. As I sat there I looked into my rear view mirror and noticed an unmarked police car behind me. So in my plotting I realized I could not make my move in the middle of the intersection so I had to make it left fast or wait until after the light.

Well the light turns green so I start moving forward along with everyone else so I put my left blinker on to move over. Blinkers in Dallas means one thing I believe, speed up so no one else can squeeze before you in line. Well I noticed that the cop moved over before the intersection to the lane I needed to occupy. For sure he sees my blinker and will have sympathathy since the mini van along side of me mirrored my everymove. If I slowed down they seemed to slow and if I sped up they seemed to speed up. Trapped and the saving grace would be the cop to let me over.

Wrong, he seemed to have sped up as well to fill in the gap between himself and the mini van ahead of him. Nice copper! So I had to almost come to a stop in the middle lane for cars to pass me to get over. I had to make manuvers that I dislike making but I was hungry and if you know MacArthur Blvd. during lunch in Irving, Texas you know how traffic is. It is just a mad house with cars stacked on top of one another it seems.

Well anyways that was my lunch time. OK this went a lot longer than I thought when I started typing, sorry about that.

I learned one thing for sure, blinkers in Dallas seem to be an option on new cars since no one seems to use one and secondly they do not know what they seem to used for.

I know silly northerner who still actually believes in blinkers and in people like the police.

Hats off to Irvings finest! NOT!

Monday, December 04, 2006

This is what is new to me

OK yes it was a very slow weekend for me, took the laziness factor up one notch. It was just a good weekend to do nothing. My wife did not seem to care all to much, at least this is what she told me. Being a woman she could have many other meanings behind her "not caring" that I may never know about.

Well one thing that I learned new was who the Badgers will be playing in the Capital One Bowl in Orlando. R Kansas is going to be their compitition. GO BUCKY!

Tell me if i made the right decision earlier this year to purchase tickets to Wisconsin over the New Years weekend. If I would have known earlier this year that the Badgers would be in Orlando over New Years I could have visited my parents in Orlando and gone to the game. Well at least being in Wisconsin I will be around like minded people wearing RED AND WHITE! So that is a good thing right? OR did I make a fatal mistake by going to bitter cold temps with snow in place of Orlando and the Badgers game? Tell me I made the right decision.

Yesterday was our Churches Christmas production during the services. It was a great production as usual. It is always written, produced and acted by our Churches Members. The best part of the whole production is that it is free, I am not saying that as a financial thing but liking it for the outreach opportunities. Our Church has the outreach heart for the world and for our community. I have been to Churches and know of many Churches that have their production during the week and at a price. OK the price is usually minimal for those attending but it looses part of it's heart to me by doing that. But that is just my feeling.

Friday, December 01, 2006

December is here

Well December is truly here, if you could not tell then you have not stepped out of your home recently. OK I know there are a few places in the country that have not been hit by this cold front. That brought Dallas SNOW! It did not stick all to much but it was great to see it fluttering to the ground. The biggest problem is ice so that became a problem yesterday on the bridges and overpasses. This lead to our early departure from the office yesterday @ 1pm and a late arrival this morning around 9. Nice, even though all I did was install a new and bigger hard drive into my PC at home.

Hopefully this new Hard Drive will make editing Video easier for me and much cleaner. I have not finished our video from this summers trip to Costa Rica yet or even springs video of our Trip to New York city. I was hoping to have it done months ago but my PC was driving me nutz so I am finally hoping to fix it. It will have a 300 gig HD w/ speed of 150 compared to a 100 gig drive with 100 for speed. Let us pray that this helps the procese and makes me happier when editing.

Students plan 'ACLU Nativity Scene'
© 2006
Campus activists plan to display an "ACLU Nativity Scene" at the University of Texas in response to the civil liberties group's "extreme" campaign to remove Christmas from the public sphere.
"We've got Gary and Joseph instead of Mary and Joseph in order to symbolize ACLU support for homosexual marriage, and of course there isn't a Jesus in the manger," said Tony McDonald, chairman of the
Young Conservatives of Texas branch on the Austin campus.
The three Wise Men in the display are Lenin, Marx and Stalin, McDonald said, because ACLU founder Roger Baldwin was a backer of Soviet-style communism.
"The whole scene is a tongue-in-cheek way of showing the many ways that the ACLU and the far left are out of touch with the values of mainstream America," McDonald said in a statement.
The scene will also have a "terrorist shepherd" and an angel with Democratic Rep. Nancy Pelosi's face, using a photograph of the soon-to-be speaker of the House from San Francisco
"The ACLU and other left-wing extremist groups are working diligently to destroy Americans' rights to the free expression of religion," said the Young Conservatives' Executive Director Joseph Wyly.
Wyly pointed to the city of
Chicago's decision this week to ban advertisements for "The Nativity Story" movie from a local Christmas festival, fearing they might offend non-Christians.
"It's just more evidence that there is a
war on Christmas being waged by the far-left in this country," he said.
NEW POLL UP------>