Friday, December 15, 2006

You mean what?

Hey hey there home slices, I know that is a bit old school but then again so am I! Or should I say "no school" for me? hehehehe, me so funny!

OK I have to get this off my chest since it has been bugging me for far to long. There is a lady that I know that makes this silly comment after you have made your comment or statement about the converstation at hand. She does not do each time but she does it enough that it is driving me crazier.

Let me give you a far fetched scenerio of where it might happen. Let us say we were having a conversation about pink elefants so I say "Man I think they are pretty and all but when they jump in front of your car they can be dangerous if not deadly". She then would pipe in rather quickly I might ad "I mean to tell you".

Huh? What? Come again. She said "I mean to tell ya" even when she is not the one telling you anything. I guess it would pass muster if she actually then makes a statement of her own about pink elefants but she offers nothing else of substance in the conversation but "I mean to tell ya".

Well anyways have a great weekend and I hope to have the "post of the year for you next week". I mean to tell ya!


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