Thursday, December 07, 2006

'Tis the season

This time of the year we keep getting bombarded with so much for the Holiday Season as in ads, Christmas music 2 weeks BEFORE Thanksgiving, lights around the office and everywhere else you look. As some of you know that my parents were in town recently during the Thanksgiving week and weekend. During their visit there were a couple of instances where we were going places and I was driving. (My rule when driving is when I am in the car we listen to my music over the radio [iPod]. Ok that is not all true when I am driving it is my music that is played. I do try to know the speed of music that my passengers prefer so I try to tailor my music choice to them.) and my mother wanted to listen to Christmas music and I did not want too. So I compromised and listened to the softest music I have.

I do not listen to P.O.D., Red, Flyleaf or similar groups when my parents are in the car. I will listen to music like BTBF Worship recording "Still Amazed" or other slower music for them. This way I am happy listening to what I like and they can be content. I like to drive only if my music is playing, I am a bit quarky like that. My wife rocks for allowing me to listen to my music when I drive. That is a love language for me when someone allows me to do such things.

Well I diverted off my original thoughts about 'tis the Season and all of that. Well my mother wanted to listen to Christmas music and I did not allow it to be played while I was driving. Alycia was better for my mother since she listened to Christmas music while she drove my mother around. I do have a point here so stick with me, there are alot of rabbits to chase.

Well for me being someone from the North where there is snow if not on Christmas at least a week or so before or after. If no snow the high temps usually range 20-30 degrees. For 30 + years I associated Snow with the Holiday Season not Christmas itself. I have always got into Christmas but it is the "season" around it that I have had difficulty getting into I guess.

Here in Texas the highs are usually around 50 degrees during this time of the year and the earth is brown. Even Fall here is rather blah! Up north you have a beautiful grand entrance of fall by the leaves turning beautiful colors. It kind of signifies the beauty and majesty of Christ as the colors pop up everywhere. Then as the leaves begin to fall to the ground the trees seem to be bowing before we Celebrate in Thanksgiving the Birth of Christ.

Well to wrap this up like a nice little Christmas gift. This year I seem to be getting into the "mood" of Christmas and the Holiday season earlier for a few reasons. One is that we have many days that have been cool (freezing by Texas standards) with a snow flurry one day mixed in. This left some white stuff on the ground even if just a trace of it. Secondly we are traveling back to my home town in southeastern Wisconsin where the temps will be cold and hopefully a bit of snow on the ground.

With all of that said I would like to say early
Merry Christmas!


Anonymous said...

you sure ramballed (I have no idea how to spell that word)....I am glad tht you are now in the "holiday mood". I think you need to share the words to your "Christmas song" with everyone.

A side note: I want to point out that when you did play music your parents liked we all argued less....

Toebee's Fumes said...

Yes I do ramble from time to time.

My Christmas tune is "I am Santa Clause" by Bob Rivers, it is a take off of the song Iron Man.