Monday, December 11, 2006

A few notes

Well kind of a blah day for me so far. For some reason I am feeling really tired even though I have been sleeping great the last few days. You would think that I would be feeling wide awake and ready for the day but I am dragging a bit! I do not usually find myself in a deep dreamy state during my slumber but for the last few days I have. Last nights dream for some reason I found myself in Mexico with a group of people. If I do dream I usually cannot recall what my dreams were the next morning unless if I am in a coma like sleep overnight. So for me to recall Mexico with a group is pretty good for me.

Maybe it is a case of OS (Over sleep), this is a condition where you get too much sleep during the night and have the feeling of being tired and groggy yet the next day. Even though you maybe had too much sleep. Ya follow?

Well today I had a meeting with a client of mine for the last 3 years. I have always dealt with him via the phone but I am trying to set up sales for 2007 so I thought I would pay him a visit. So after 3 years we finally meet, the sad thing is for the past year he has only been located a few blocks from the office and we never had met even though he has been a great client of mine. Well it was nice to actually meet him and find out more about his business. It is a business that competes with Texas Instruments in products and in most aspects of business down to the people they hire.

Well during our meeting when it came down to actually "selling" him and getting something signed he said "no". OK it was not just a no but a no times 3. I think if I had to have a ticket validated to get out of the parking lot he still would have told me no. But after 3 years of being a great client I look forward to working with him more even if our pricing is not set for 2007 as I tried to do today. He said that he would have to take his chances and pay more if needed. Well that is not all bad in itself if I am going to get more for the same as he would have paid for it with a rate hold as I tried to sell him today. All is good.

Well tonight is Christmas Party number 1 for this week that holds 4. Tonight is for the worship and arts ministry at Church which I get to tag along too (it is usually very entertaining if you could not already gather that by the group gathering), Thursday is our work get together and then Friday is for Wildlife leaders (Jr. high group at our Church), then Saturday is for our Lifegroup. Yikes my tummy will be expanding, please pray for control!

Well as you can tell a slow news day and toebee day!!

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