Monday, February 26, 2007

Few things

First of all thanks to all of you that left me and my wife a few ideas on my last post about Hot Springs and things to do there. We appreciate each 1 of you.

Just a few things that I found kind of odd that I thought I might share with you "my faithful audience".

1. This morning I was driving to work and pulled behind a Large white van that had written on the back of the van "This vehicle makes frequent stops". But when I saw the company that was written on the side I am not thinking all too positive of the company and it's products. The company is GE Appliances. Are their products not that good that it has to make so many frequent stops? They could have stated it a little differently in my oppinion.

2. This statememt was in an article this morning that I read. "It shows what people are driven to when they don't have access to marriage and the conventional way of forming a family," said Mary Bonauto, an attorney with Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders, the Boston-based group that won the legal battle that introduced gay marriage to Massachusetts.

The context of the article is not important just the statement that is made. When did people loose access to marriage? As I see it everyone has the option to get married don't they? As a woman you find yourself a man and you say your "I Do's" and kiss the groom. As a male you find yourself a woman say your "I do's" and kiss the bride and wam-o your married. OK I know there is more to marriage than just that but I wanted to make a quick point.

Secondly isn't the conventional way of forming a family between a man and a women? Having a little fun until a baby is born. Have I missed something here?

Vote now on who has had the hardest job recently -------->

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Springs are hot

This is a quick post to see if there is anyone out there that knows anything about Hot Springs, Arkansas. I know some of ya know something about it or maybe too much about it. The reason I am asking is that my wife and I will be traveling there in a week and a half to visit her Grandmother who just moved there from Stamps, AR. We will be there for the weekend and are looking for any suggestions on where you think would be the best place to visit/eat at. Since neither of us have been there so any suggestions would be great.
Even if you have just driven thru and stopped someplace you enjoyed let me know. We are open to anything at this time since we know absolutely nothing about Hot Springs.
Thanks for any suggestions.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Emergency surgery diverted

I know most of you have been wondering and burning to know how my iPod has faired. IT IS NOT MY iPOD, ok it is my iPod but the problem is not the iPod itself is what I am wanting to get across to you!! Yippee.
It is the car adapter that is supposed to charge while sending my music thru the airwaves to my car radio. I had left my iPod on it the whole evening in my car, in our garage at home. So you would have thought it would have charged it eh? But it did not. There were no signs that it was not working since on my drive to work yesterday morning it played my music for me just fine. It was when I got into my office that I saw that it was not working.
Phew, stress no more my life can continue as is!
I did not have to take it into the Apple store for Emergency surgery.
Well anyways have a great weekend and thanks for caring about my emergency yesterday. I made it thru it all a have become a better man for it. I know most of you are laughing at that statement, I know I know I know. I cannot become a better man than I already am. hehehehehe just kidding!!
Remember to VOTE to the right=====>

Thursday, February 15, 2007

What a horrible morning

OK to most of you this would not sound like a horrible morning just a bad one. But to me it is horrible.

First is that it was 27 degrees when I was driving to work this morning. That is not the problem. The problem is that as I drove there were snow flakes dropping from the sky. Not all to many, just a few here and there but enough to drive me crazy. If it is going to be this cold with a few flakes where are all of the other ones that pile up and make for a beautiful mess. Why does New York have to hog all of the snow and not share with the folks here in Texas?

Secondly is my iPod is not working right now. If you truly know me music is vital to my day. I need the noise in the background, good noise that I like. My iPod is my music now, radio stations are out of the question for me. At least music stations since I still listen to a few talk shows on the radio.

Right now it is a matter that I have over 1700 songs on my iPod that I like to listen to and hear. Or I could listen to the radio which plays the same thirty songs where I only like maybe seven songs and tolerate the rest of them. I have come to depend on it for my music at my desk, in my car, in the house, traveling and anywhere I can use it. I feel lost without MY MUSIC!! Not someone elses music of choice, MY MUSIC of choice.

I have to leave some CD's in my car in a glass case that states "Break in case of emergency" since I do not have any in my car for the ride home tonight. You can rest assured that the first thing I do this evening, after taking my iPod in to get looked over of course, is to find my CD case and move it to my car.UGH!

I want to link someones Blog that I view almost daily. She has a hilarious take on all that goes on in her life and in life in general. The post today "13 Places Your Little Hellion Child Shouldn't be Allowed to Go(TT #2)" is just too funny and way to true. Read on! Kudos "Mercy's #1 Fan" Kudos!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Here we go again

Do Americans want to keep dollar bill
By WILL LESTER, Associated Press Writer Sun Feb 11, 7:09 PM ET
WASHINGTON - Maybe Susan B. Anthony and Sacagawea should not take public rejection personally. It's not easy overcoming people's indifference to dollar coins, even those honoring such historic figures.
A new version of the coin, paying tribute to American presidents, goes into general circulation Thursday. Even though doing away with the bill could save hundreds of millions of dollars each year in printing costs, there is no plan to scrap the bill in favor of the more durable coin.
"I really don't see any use for it," Larry Ashbaugh, a retiree from Bristolville, Ohio, said of the dollar coin. "We tried it before. It didn't fly."
Two recent efforts to promote wide usage of a dollar coin proved unsuccessful. A quarter-century ago, it showed feminist Susan B. Anthony on the front; then one in 2000 featuring Sacagawea, the Shoshone Indian who helped guide the Lewis and Clark expedition.
The latest dollar coin will bear Washington's image, followed later this year by those of John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. A different president will appear on the golden dollar coins every three months.
The series of coins will depict four different presidents per year, in the order they served.
Congress voted to create the new dollar coin, betting that this series would be more popular than its recent predecessors.
The Susan B. Anthony dollar put the image of the women's rights activist on a small silver coin that looked a lot like a quarter. The U.S Mint was left with millions of unused coins.
As for the Sacagawea dollar, gold in color, millions of the coins also piled up in bank vaults for the same reason: lack of demand.
People say they just prefer the traditional greenback.
"The dollar bill is lighter, takes up less space in a clutch or a man's wallet and paper money counts easier and stacks up easier than metallic coins," said Nena Wise of York, Pa.
People have strong feelings about their money, even the penny.
A congressional effort to reduce the need for the cent piece failed even though it costs more to produce the copper-colored coin than the coin is worth.
Supporters of the new presidential dollar coin point to the success of the 50-state quarter program. Begun in 1999, this program has introduced millions of people to coin collecting for the first time.
For Richard Wander of Albany, N.Y, the dollar coin is a welcome addition because he is "kind of a collector."
"I think it's good to have both," he said. "Instead of taking time to put four quarters in a parking meter, you could put in a dollar.
"But I think dollar bills are part of the economic system," he said, "and they work fine."
My two cents worth on this issue. I HATE COINS!! I do not like things in my pockets especially things that jingle. I have a container in my car where all of my coins go once I get in my car and on a counter top at home in case I forgot to take the coins out in the car. If I am with my wife she is the benficiary of the change that does not make it to my pockets.

I had a boss once that liked to "sneak" around to catch his employees doing something that he did not approve of. The only catch is that we could always tell he was coming since he ALWAYS had change in his pocket. Usually his hand was in there as well moving it all around making all that noise.

My opinion is to go to all bills. I know that would be impossible so let us at least limit the number of denominations that get coin status. Dollars have failed many times in the past so let us keep trying. Does not make any sense to me, get it sense!! Me too funny. Well anyways keep your eyes and ears pealed for the new dollar coin.

Make sure to check the poll to the right!===>

Monday, February 12, 2007


This past weekend was filled with something that is just not me. Never has been the thing that people would characterise me with. My head stone or Obit will not read "Loved to read". Reading. Ugh! I never just pick up a book to read when I have down time, that is why TV was invented for people like me. No not the lazy people even though I am at times. For those of us on this spinning planet that have a more visual nature like myself.

I did have a favorite book for while though, besides the B-i-b-l-e. It was one that I could lean on in time of my laziness. It actually gave me stability for a while as well. Cannot remember what the book was named but it worked well as a forth leg on an old chair that I had. Ahh the memories of my book days.

Why would I read then? Well I had two projects this weekend that I needed to take care of. One I had to finish reading a portion of a Book with the name of "The Call". My wife and I had to read this and write a two page paper on why we feel lead to the mission field and why ultimately Nigeria at this time. Well I got that read and actually got the paper written as well. It was good reading and in one section of the book gave me a clearer understanding on why now and not before. If ya want to know just ask I am not the best at explaining things. Well we got them turned into Joanne in the missions department for entry into their Mission Candidacy Program.

Also I am taking a class at Church called "Encountering Islam". It has been a great class so far as well. For the most part is from a Christian perspective but we have had a couple of weeks of the Muslim point of view as well. One week there was an Imam from a local Mosque that came to talk with us and answer questions we had. In our last class we had a woman in the Mosques outreach department come and talk as well have a Q&A time. This particular woman was raised in a Catholic church that at the age of 24 converted to Islam and is very passionate about her beliefs these days as a Muslim. Very intriquing to listen to her and know her thoughts on the questions we had for her.

It has opened up my eyes to what Islam is and how very lost they actually are. Always knew they are a lost but in seeing how far they are mislead to believe what they believe. So this is giving me more of a desire for Nigeria and to work with the northern half of the country which follows Shari'a law. Shari'a law is the strictest form of law instituted by Muslims in some Islamic countries.

For the most part the reading that is required in this class has been very informational for me. It has opened up a whole new vision of what Islam and being a Muslim requires. Very similar to Christianity and Judism but yet so lost.

Oh well just had to let ya know that I do read, when required of me. I do actually read the paper, and magazines. I am a news junky I guess. Tell me what is going on NOW!! I always have to be in the know.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Bears vs. not the Bears

I am very happy to announce the winner of the Super Bowl last night.
I know you know that the bears lost but I just wanted to let you know of my pure joy that they lost and who won. It was another ugly game that neither team wanted to actually win but one team, not the bears, decided to actually win the game at the end.
As you can tell I did not care who the bears were playing just as long as one team who won were not the bears. Being from Wisconsin and being a die hard Packer fan you cannot cheer for the bears under most circumstances. There is only one allowed opportunity to cheer for them and that is if it helps the Packers in anyway or form make the playoffs. Even then it is still hard to cheer for them.
So again congrats goes too NOT THE BEARS!!

Well, as I stated in my last post that I would be at our Churches lock in for the Junior High kids at a local establishment that has go carts. As much go carts as we could get in for two hours between midnight and 2am. Well that was too cool!
Within the two hours I did actually learn something. It would have been far more enjoyable if I actually wore a better pair of gloves than I wore. No not cool Nascar like driving gloves but ones that keep the fingers and hands warmer. You see the temps here in Dallas at that time were in the low 20's. This means that with us driving around in the elements whipping across our bodies at 25 MPH can get a bit cold. My fingers were numb by the end of the 2 hours. I tried to play a game later that morning that you throw a basketball thru the hoops and I could not grab the ball all that well.
For those who actually care about how they are today (Monday) they are fine. No permanent damage except for my ego on a few of those races when you get a dog of a car (slow) and you race yourself since the rest of the drivers have past you until the next time they come whipping past ya.
Well it was a great weekend altogether and with a nice topper with a win last night of not the bears.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Lost and Found

I want to clarify something that seems to keep coming up with people around me. Some have made a point to make a statement that for the most part they have no right to make. I feel that I must set the record straight on this since it has gotten so over used and abused recently.

Statement:"I've Lost IT!"

My response: Do you not have to have "IT" to lose "IT"?

He's BACK!! Yes, when I say he's back this refers to one of the greatest of all time! Brett Farve is coming back for his 17th season as a GREEN BAY PACKER. I am torn if this will be a good outcome for 2007's season or not. They do not have an alternate 'plan B' if Brett was not to return, so this is where my joy in this situation comes from.

They are scheduled to make a visit to Dallas next year for a game so that will be my next conquest in getting tickets for the game once single game tickets are up for sale.

Tonight the Jr. High group that I work with is having their yearly Lock-In. Well it is not exactly being locked "in" but kept in. We have gone and are going to this place here in the Dallas area called Adventure Landing. They have everything from Lazer Tag, video games, food all inside to Go-Carts, mini Golf and batting cages outdoors. This year I will be able to take part the whole night from midnight to 6am.

This will be a fun night/ morning with the kiddos running around have a bit of fun. There will be a slight challenge for the whole night especially for the outdoor events. The temperature is expected to be around 26 degrees. The cool, huh I said cool, thing is that it will keep the line short around the carts for the two hours that we have to use them. It will have a fun effect creating FREEZE FACE by whipping around the track with my skin exposed! SWEET!
on my very first post!
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The law does work, sometimes.