Thursday, February 15, 2007

What a horrible morning

OK to most of you this would not sound like a horrible morning just a bad one. But to me it is horrible.

First is that it was 27 degrees when I was driving to work this morning. That is not the problem. The problem is that as I drove there were snow flakes dropping from the sky. Not all to many, just a few here and there but enough to drive me crazy. If it is going to be this cold with a few flakes where are all of the other ones that pile up and make for a beautiful mess. Why does New York have to hog all of the snow and not share with the folks here in Texas?

Secondly is my iPod is not working right now. If you truly know me music is vital to my day. I need the noise in the background, good noise that I like. My iPod is my music now, radio stations are out of the question for me. At least music stations since I still listen to a few talk shows on the radio.

Right now it is a matter that I have over 1700 songs on my iPod that I like to listen to and hear. Or I could listen to the radio which plays the same thirty songs where I only like maybe seven songs and tolerate the rest of them. I have come to depend on it for my music at my desk, in my car, in the house, traveling and anywhere I can use it. I feel lost without MY MUSIC!! Not someone elses music of choice, MY MUSIC of choice.

I have to leave some CD's in my car in a glass case that states "Break in case of emergency" since I do not have any in my car for the ride home tonight. You can rest assured that the first thing I do this evening, after taking my iPod in to get looked over of course, is to find my CD case and move it to my car.UGH!

I want to link someones Blog that I view almost daily. She has a hilarious take on all that goes on in her life and in life in general. The post today "13 Places Your Little Hellion Child Shouldn't be Allowed to Go(TT #2)" is just too funny and way to true. Read on! Kudos "Mercy's #1 Fan" Kudos!

1 comment:

Mercy's Maid said...

Aww, thanks for the plug!