Monday, February 05, 2007

Bears vs. not the Bears

I am very happy to announce the winner of the Super Bowl last night.
I know you know that the bears lost but I just wanted to let you know of my pure joy that they lost and who won. It was another ugly game that neither team wanted to actually win but one team, not the bears, decided to actually win the game at the end.
As you can tell I did not care who the bears were playing just as long as one team who won were not the bears. Being from Wisconsin and being a die hard Packer fan you cannot cheer for the bears under most circumstances. There is only one allowed opportunity to cheer for them and that is if it helps the Packers in anyway or form make the playoffs. Even then it is still hard to cheer for them.
So again congrats goes too NOT THE BEARS!!

Well, as I stated in my last post that I would be at our Churches lock in for the Junior High kids at a local establishment that has go carts. As much go carts as we could get in for two hours between midnight and 2am. Well that was too cool!
Within the two hours I did actually learn something. It would have been far more enjoyable if I actually wore a better pair of gloves than I wore. No not cool Nascar like driving gloves but ones that keep the fingers and hands warmer. You see the temps here in Dallas at that time were in the low 20's. This means that with us driving around in the elements whipping across our bodies at 25 MPH can get a bit cold. My fingers were numb by the end of the 2 hours. I tried to play a game later that morning that you throw a basketball thru the hoops and I could not grab the ball all that well.
For those who actually care about how they are today (Monday) they are fine. No permanent damage except for my ego on a few of those races when you get a dog of a car (slow) and you race yourself since the rest of the drivers have past you until the next time they come whipping past ya.
Well it was a great weekend altogether and with a nice topper with a win last night of not the bears.

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