Friday, November 24, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving (the day after)

Well it is Friday morning the day after Thanksgiving and I am sitting here at my desk. I have called 20 clients and have actually spoken to one, amazing stats I have to say!

The age ol' Q for the company I currently work for is why Friday the day after Thanksgiving when most of our clients and prospects are out of the office. For the hopes that we will finally land the big sale? Nope! The main reason for any of our clients to be in the office is to get work done without anyone to bother them. Then the phone rings and it is me a sales guy, so I get to be the one to disturb their quietness of an empty facility except maybe a few others getting work done without the chance of someone bothering them.

Well the fact remains the same I am here! Next year gotta use my vacation time better so I can take this day off. But I do have off on this next Monday to make it a three day weekend to make up for today.

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