Monday, November 06, 2006

One Party?

So how long have I been sleeping or what size rock have I been living under? The reason I ask is that over the last few weeks all I hear about are the Democrats. Seems as if we have moved from a multi-party government to just Democrats according to the mainstream media.

All I have heard is what the Democrats have to do to win the house and the senate for the next few years. Nothing to the opposite of what the Republicans have to do to keep them. It is all about the Democrats and how they "will" win both sides of Government.

It is getting a bit too much but what do you expect from a "neutral" media? For them to actually report fair and unbiased news? Naw, don't be silly.

Just had to fume on this since election day is tomorrow!!

1 comment:

Mercy's Maid said...

I know what you mean. But you know what I think is funny? I think it's funny when my conservative friends say stuff like, "I watch Fox News because they're actually unbiased!" When Fox is just as biased as everyone else, they just lean more to the conservative side.

Whatever happened to giving people the facts and letting them form their own opinions?